Thursday, March 5, 2009

Soleil at her finest!

After an Oreo extravaganza...and PROUD!
Daddy and Soleil dancing to Bob Marley in the living room one night. She totally has rhythm and even lifts her legs for emphasis. This couldn't make us happier considering we are HUGE Bob fans.

Being pushed on the swing does make the world go around!

Further proof that she is not the angel she has led you all to believe!

This swingset has been worth every penny. We spend every afternoon outside.

Watch out, camera! Slobber straight ahead.
These pictures were taken one afternoon after a popsicle fiasco. Daddy put Soleil in her first Bob Marley shirt, which we like. However, I cannot say that I didn't twitch a little when I saw the bold stripes and pastel flowers together. That being said, I have learned since the accident to let all those petty things go and just to enjoy the TIME you have together, rather than the fashion!

Trying on professions, one at a time!

This picture is proof that Soleil's Bahamian roots have come through with strength! Why, you ask? Most cashiers in The Bahamas have this look down to an art. And don't you DARE wake them from their naps!
Papa and Soleil made BIG bubbles.

Cutie pies Morgan and Milena Grammatico loved flying the plane. Soleil, however, wanted nothing to do with it...just like her mother!

Our friends, Marcus and Marcella, visited Florida recently and we met up at this wonderful museum, Childrens Museum of Highlands. Darrin and Marcus have been friends for about 25 yrs!!!

Milena and Soleil working the orange juice machine.

Chefing it up in the Middle Eastern kitchen! Mummy needed a lesson, too!

Giving a private piano concert.

Soleil tried on a construction worker's hat...hope that was enough for her. That is HARD work!