Papa and I make each other smile!

Three months young!

This is what "Clearwater" should look like...

Great Aunt Irene and I busting a gut.

My cousin Makyia and I in Marsh Harbour

Tracing my roots in Green Turtle Cay (my first boat ride)

Bathing suit not required.

Sunning my buns in Abaco!

Papi and Mommy enjoying a rare Sheriff-free dinner.

Look, mom! I can see my feet!!

Daddy introducing me to the gin-clear waters of The Bahamas!

Nana and I discussing life.
We are in Abaco taking in the sand, sea and sun. Soleil has been swimming, boating and taking walks on the beach. She has adapted to the slow pace of island life.....the ocean breezes lull her to sleep on a daily basis. Soleil has been basking in the attention of family and friends and LOVING it. She is going to be crying with a Bahamian accent soon!
"I swim in da ocean,
I swim in da sea.
I look at da fish,
All the fish look back at me!"
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