Soleil and Ricky at the Easter Egg Hunt at church.

Checking out the Easter basket that Granny made her.

Trying on gardening gloves..or channeling Michael Jackson.

Strolling around Winter Park with Uncle Tom.

Playing in the fountain with two of her favorite people, Uncle Tom and Aunt Jane.

Send in the reinforcements! Soleil has been swallowed up by a very large lifejacket! This was on a boat tour of the lakes in Winter Park.

Alister and I have been friends since our teens. He lives in Bradenton now with his wife and two daughters. We recently spent a day on the beach together at Anna Maria Island.

Soleil and Kaylee playing Play Doh. Soleil absolutely loves Kaylee and Kaylee is a great role model for her.

Soleil and Daddy gave me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day. As soon as she gave it to me, she looked up with wide eyes and pleaded, "Share, mummy?"

Soleil is taking ballet classes at the YMCA, in a group called Tiny Dancers. They will have a performance at the end of the month.

On Saturday we participated in the MADD Walk (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) here in Tampa. Our team raised over $1500.00 and our county raised over $25,000! "One in three" represents one in every three people will be affected by a drunk driver, over the course of a lifetime. Another sobering statistic...someone is injured or killed by a drunk driver every 30 minutes in this country! Enough is enough!

Soleil and Ricky at the zoo. She is sporting a SNAKE tattoo....she had her choice of many animals and this is what she chose!

An icing extravaganza! Our friend Alister's daughter celebrated her tenth birthday this weekend. We drove down to Bradenton to party!

Eating her first ever ring pop!
Children grow so fast! I am in awe every day of things Soleil does and says.
Here are a few examples:
What dat is? (Bahamian roots coming through)
Skew me (Excuse me)
Bawareeeena (ballerina)
Fire engine-hose-water-fire out
How was your day, mummy? (my favorite)
I love you, tooooooo
Finger popping, finger popping, POP POP
School is coming to a close and we couldn't be happier. We will be spending all summer in The Bahamas this year...feel like it really is a well deserved vacation after all we have been through.
Thank you, God.