Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Sugar Lump in February!

Making statements together- Daddy sporting an Obama shirt while Soleil models a Bob Marley shirt.

Bonding with Bella in the backyard.

Channeling Pippy Longstocking !

Inventing a new use for my therapy tool...megaphone.

Papa and Soleil share many laughs and much love !

Soleil Eve in the garden of Eden! This was taken after a particularly intense painting session.

An art extravaganza! Soleil enjoys using her easel...and occasionally, eating paint.

No, not a future bank robber. Soleil trying on Daddy's tam on one especially cold day!

Loving on Bella, for once!

Ready to roll ...Soleil loves to catch rides in the wheelchair.

Putting on a pre-church concert, using the ice cream microphone.
It has now been over three months since the accident and one of the best things to come out of it is that fact that I have spent every day with Soleil. I feel so lucky to see her every day. We have taken advantage of it by spending many hours outside and engaged in fun activities like painting, blowing bubbles, gardening, playing with Papa and reading.
She is talking even more and here are some sample phrases:
Come here, NOW!
Help me, please
All clean (even if caca is present)
Hold you
Wake up, Daddy (usually called from the bedroom at 6am)
Be careful!
Hop, hop, hop!

Soleil and her swingset!

Soleil and Ricky testing the glider! They are such big kids now.
Checking out the sandbox, pre-sand.

Who is having more fun here? Papa or Soleil?

Daddy and Soleil playing peek-a-boo from the fort!
We bought Soleil a swingset for an early birthday gift. She loves it and spends hours every day on it. Daddy and Papa have also been spending a lot of time on it.