Soleil is seven months old now! The race is on to see which word she will say first: Dada or Mama. I keep bribing her and every time she gets near Dada, I do something distracting!
She is not crawling yet, but is moving in that direction and rolls over constantly.
I caved in and gave her meat....YES, I DID! I had a little celebration deep inside when she did not take to it the first time...but, alas, that was short lived. She now eats chicken and turkey on a regular basis! Sorry, birds!
I am working 3 days a week tutoring kids at my old school and Soleil spends those days with Granny. Needless to say, she is spoiled and very happy.
(On a side note: Soleil is looking forward to the birth of a new friend, Brody! Hurry up and come already! )