Is that your real hair or are you just happy to see me?
Peas in a pod!
Hanging out in Ricky's crib
Mmmmmmmmmm-hmmmm! Girrrrl......
"I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!"
Feeding the birds in Mount Dora. Uncle Tom fed them peaunts, popcorn, cat food , ham, bread, etc!!!
Soleil with substitute grandparents, Jane and Tom, in Mount Dora, FL
Have you called Jenny Craig yet?
Soleil is seven months old now! The race is on to see which word she will say first: Dada or Mama. I keep bribing her and every time she gets near Dada, I do something distracting!
She is not crawling yet, but is moving in that direction and rolls over constantly.
I caved in and gave her meat....YES, I DID! I had a little celebration deep inside when she did not take to it the first time...but, alas, that was short lived. She now eats chicken and turkey on a regular basis! Sorry, birds!
I am working 3 days a week tutoring kids at my old school and Soleil spends those days with Granny. Needless to say, she is spoiled and very happy.
(On a side note: Soleil is looking forward to the birth of a new friend, Brody! Hurry up and come already! )